1. Where can I start learning to code?
- Learn the basics through the mobile app.
2. What can be done with the JavaScript?
- Download the examples and watch the tutorial videos.
What can be done with the JavaScript?
Download the examples and watch the tutorial videos.

I suggest you use my mobile application to learn what basic units such as variables, loops, conditional expressions, functions, arrays, and objects do and how they are used.

All subjects are simplified to a level that children can understand, and fun methods are used to make them memorable.

  • The first 10 projects are specifically designed to help you learn software development logic.
  • HTML and CSS codes are written automatically by the library. Thus, students can initially focus only on algorithm development.

  • It is designed with an object-based logic close to desktop and mobile application development experience.
  • It is built on five basic objects. (Label, Button, TextBox, Image, Box)
  • C, C++, C#, Java, Python, Swift, PHP, ASP.NET, etc. It will help you learn programming languages ​​more easily.
  • It has the same positioning logic as the interface design tools. This too; It makes it easy to translate your design into an application.
  • With these techniques, fully customizable and dynamic applications can be developed.
  • The programming language used is JavaScript. Projects can be run in the browser or WebView.


  • The syntax of the programming language is simple. This makes learning easier.
  • Too many resources. There is a high probability that you can find an example or library related to the project you want to do.
  • I think it has the most mature, interface rendering technology (HTML and CSS).
  • Suitable for general use. With the same knowledge, the software can be developed in different fields.

  1. Web applications.
  2. Mobile applications.
    - Assistive technology: Apache Cordova
  3. Desktop applications.
    - Assistive technology: Electron JS
  4. Two-Dimensional or simple three-dimensional games.
    - Assistive technology: Three JS
  5. Websites.

What can be done with the JavaScript?
Download the examples and watch the tutorial videos.